Thursday, May 14, 2015

Thank You Notes

We still haven't sent out our thank you notes from our wedding gifts.  According to, wedding etiquette says that you should send your thank you notes within a year of your wedding.

Well that year has snuck up on us.  Life happened.  I have been too busy living life to pause and be thankful.  Unfortunately, this has been something I have noticed about myself as I learn what it is like to fill in the identity of "wife."  Sometimes I am too busy living life, going to work, going to the gym, cleaning, cooking, etc. etc. To actually pause and thank God for this amazing life He has given me.

Recently, I heard that the secret to contentment is gratitude.  Give thanks should be a daily process in our lives.  Showing gratitude to people for the things that they do for us is important.  More important than we know.

As an educator, I know what it is like not to be appreciated, but I still do my job without expecting to be appreciated by my students or their parents.  I know what its like to continue doing a job day after day without so much as an empty thank you.  But I still do my job, I still love my job, and I still love my students and their parents (most of the time).  And it hurts.  It hurts a lot.

God continually gives and gives without expecting anything in return.  He is an extreme giver.  So extreme that he gave us His son--a sacrifice so we could live.  Wow.  How come I don't thank Him, CONSTANTLY?

Thank you notes should be such a small, trivial thing in comparison to thanking the God of the universe for loving me, but should it be considered trivial? If I can't thank my husband's friend for the blender she gave me, how can I possibly expect to live a life a gratitude toward my Creator?  Its time to change my viewpoint.  Time to love others through thanksgiving.  Time to show gratitude to all. And time to send out those blasted thank you notes.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your thoughts on thank you notes! Hope you have some fun while writing...that long list represents so many of the people who love you and Dave! --Kristen S.
